George Foreman, the boxer legend, was something unique in his sport. Because he did not sit down between the rounds, but remained standing. Some may not fully understand that. If the goal is to relax between the laps: Then why had George used more energy by stopping? His method is in science „aktive Erholung“ respectively „aktive Entmüdung“ and that includes doing some physical activity between sets of workouts is the opposite of "passive recovery." This also includes relaxation, such as sitting down.
Both methods are designed to improve performance and recovery. However, there is some evidence that Foreman may have had an advantage over his opponents through active rest between rounds. They can also be beneficial for bodybuilders, at three different times: between sets, after a workout, and between workouts.

The advantages of active versus passive recovery between sets has been demonstrated for sprinters and weightlifters, among others.
An excellent example was an experiment that im „Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research“ It was reported that 15 men familiar with strength training did workouts that included six sets of squats, doing 85 percent of their maximum weight for ten reps. Participants recovered four minutes between sets, either sitting passively in a chair or exercising at low intensity on an ergometer. The men then did squats to test their maximum reps. They trained with 65 percent of the maximum weight for ten repetitions. Those who had actively recovered on the ergometer were able to complete 20 percent more repetitions than those who had only inserted a passive recovery phase between sets.
So it's no wonder that George Foreman could crush all his opponents!
A typical bodybuilding workout involves taking short breaks - less than a minute between sets. However, to vary the workout, many bodybuilders add a "heavy" day to their split program.
Athletes who had actively recovered were able to complete 20 percent more repetitions than those who only had a passive dehydration phase between sets.
On heavy training days, when your main goal is to build more strength, active rest is extremely helpful.
Or they train specifically with graduated weight for some important basic exercises, such as squats. Maximum weights are lifted on these days - higher than 85 percent of the maximum. And there are longer breaks, usually three to five minutes between sets. On heavy training days, when your main goal is to build more strength, active rest is extremely helpful.
It is optimal if you focus your active recovery specifically on the muscle group being trained. For example, if you are training your legs, you should walk around or use the ergometer between sets. As you work the deltas, you could do some exercise on the elliptical machine. Or you can shake your arms lightly between sentences.
Active recovery after exercise
The goal of active recovery after exercise - commonly known as a warm up or „Cool down“ is similar to active fatigue between sets: Disposal of lactic acid. After physical activity, the half-life of lactic acid is usually 15 to 25 minutes. Nevertheless, the lactic acid can immediately return to the starting value after a single cool-down unit. This is very important because a cool down that is done right after a workout can reduce the decrease in white blood cells by as much as 30 percent. This promotes a healthy immune system. This is particularly suitable for bodybuilders, whose high training intensity can impair immune function in the hours after a workout. Finally, active rest can be very beneficial for bodybuilders who exercise twice a day. Because this allows you to recover faster for the second unit.
Active rest can be very useful for those who exercise a lot or even exercise twice a day.
For optimal post-exercise recovery, you need to between 10 und 30 Minuten with 30 to 40 percent in the VO2exercise max. For example, you could take a gentle stroll, ride a bike, or exercise at a moderate pace on the elliptical machine. Again, try to be targeted (targeting muscle groups that have previously exercised).
A cool down done right after training can reduce the decrease in white blood cells by as much as 30 percent.
The typical muscle burning sensation between sets is caused by the build up of lactic acid. As much of it as possible has to be disposed of in order to optimize performance.
Make sure you are getting enough nutrients before and after your workout to maximize your recovery.