Adidas plant Measures to make its products more environmentally friendly.
A global one Sporting goods manufacturer reports that it has only committed until 2024 Recycled plastic to use for sportswear and shoes.
The Commitment to eliminating the use of plastic over which the First reported by the Financial Times, includes polyester. From t-shirts to Sport-BHs. Theses Material ist beliebt in Sportbekleidung, weil es schnell dries and does not weigh much.

Adidas (ADDDF) has also announced that it will stop using common plastics from 2019 in its offices, retail stores, warehouses and distribution centers too use, saving about 40 tons of plastic per year.
The global use of plastics has increased twentyfold in the last 50 years and is expected to double again in the next 20 years. The material is cheap and versatile, but government and consumers are increasingly aware of their enormous environmental costs. Studies show that there will be more plastic than fish in the world's oceans by 2050. Worldwide only 14% of plastic is collected for recycling. The reuse rate is terrible compared to other materials - 58% paper and up to 90% iron and steel are recycled.