Bock Susanne - CV
Date of birth: May 12, 1970
Place of residence: Kiel
Sternzeichen: Stier
Körpergröße: 172cm
Profession: Sales Employee and IFBB Figure Pro,
Private trainer, Photo model
Hobbies: flea market, reading - especially biographies of athletes,
Travel, my dogs, fast cars
Competition weight: In figure class 61kg
Off-season weight: 65kg
Favorite menu: macaroni, giotonia
I have been active since: 1993
Competitions since: 1998
Athletic role models: Iris Kyle, Amber Litlle, John and Jenny Lynn
Your motto in life: Always believe in yourself, never give up.

Bock Susanne - successes
IFBB Arnold Classic Europe 2012 – unplaced
2 0 0 9
2009 Atlantic City Masters : 12. Platz
2009 Houston : 16. Platz
2009 New York: 16th place
2 0 0 8
2008 Houston : 19. Platz
2008 Atlantic City Masters : 10. Platz
2 0 0 7
21.07.2007 Texas Figure Pro Show : 8. Platz
04.08.2007 Michigan Figure Pro Show : 9. Platz
22.09.2007 Anaheim, Carlifornien : 13. Platz
09/28/2007 FIGURE OLYMPIA, Las Vegas: 18th place
2 0 0 6
08.10.2006 Amsterdam Grand Prix: 2. Platz
26. – 27.05.2006. California Figure Pro : 18. Platz
July 14-15, 2006. New York Pro Figure: 16th place
2 0 0 5
2005 Switch to the figure class
04.06. Toronto Pro Show : 17. Platz
03.09. North American Show : 13. Platz
16.-17.09. Europe Super Show : 21. Platz
2 0 0 4
Night of Champion 2004 – 9. Platz
2 0 0 3
JAN TANA Classic August 2003 – 4 Platz
2 0 0 2
2002 State Championship Rhineland Palatinate IFBB - 1st place and overall victory
2002 German Championship IFBB - 1st place and overall victory
2 0 0 1
2001 State Championship Rhineland Palatinate IFBB - 1st place
2001 International German Championship IFBB - 1st place
2 0 0 0
2000 German Championship NAC - 1st place
WABBA- WM - 3rd place
1 9 9 9
1999 Schleswig Holstein IFBB national championship - 1st place and overall victory
1999 German Championship NAC - 2nd place
1 9 9 8
1998 Berlin Championship IFBB - 3rd place
1998 Schleswig Holstein IFBB state championship - 1st place and overall victory
1998 German championship in Friedrichshafen - 7th place
Bock Susanne - Interview
do you already train and how did you get into sport?
Susanne Bock: I've been training since I was 23, now I'm 37, so 14 years
and I have competed every year since 1998, in the professional league even several times a yearQuestion: What is your training like? (Please provide an example training program)
Susanne Bock: That has always changed in the last 2 years, adapted to my development for the figure category e.g. at the moment
Legs - different exercises, 3 times a week
Shoulders - 2 times a week
Back - once
Arms - not at all, are still too fat for this category
Belly - 3 times and the last 3 weeks before the show, no more
Because the belly plates are still very thick.
And every day I do cardio, off season 1 hour once and in preparation
2 times at least 60 to 90 min.
Question: What is your diet like? Are you constantly on a diet or are you able to
Du auch „sündigen“?
Susanne Bock: In the off season, I also eat very disciplined from Monday to Friday
and Saturday and Sunday - feeding day
And in the diet up to 4 weeks before the competition, eating day remains on Saturdays,
That's it. Sounds easy, but it's damn hard basically it's 4-5 shows all year round
Diet, but that's my way of life and after all I'm a professional ?!
Question: What do you have to eat to look as good as you?
Susanne Bock : Oh that's top secret? No was a joke, of course it doesn't work for everyone
Most of them must eat more protein than I do, but my protein content does not go higher than 2gr per body weight , it was 4 in the BB, and my crabos aren't particularly high over the year either ,that experiences fluctuations, combined with my training times as far as the cardio is concerned.
To explain that in detail would go too far, after all I need mine too "Small" secrets of success,
Since I also offer private training, I cannot reveal all of my tricks.
Question: What would you recommend if you are just starting out with the sport?
Susanne Bock: I would look for sensible supervision right away that would help you in a targeted manner
Realizing your figurative ideas saves a lot of time and patience.
And the objectives should be realistic, and most importantly, you should really want them. And don't make it dependent on a training partner etc. When you know very clearly how you want to look, provided it's genetic potential Corresponds, then a lot is possible. You just have to seriously want to do it with everyone Consequences.
Question: You are also active on the IFBB board. What are your tasks ?
Susanne Bock: Since this year I have been in the position of 2 chairman to 1 chairman of the LV SH IFBB slipped.
Which I really enjoy doing when it naturally means a lot of extra work for me as a professional ,I like to support the amateurs with all my strength, knowledge and relationships in the sport. And give back to the sport what it has given me so far. In addition, as a professional you always have a role model function for the next generation, which unfortunately Some professionals always forget.
Question: What would you like to change:
Susanne Bock: I would like to change a few things that are more related to IFBB international, but that goes with it I don't care, this is not the right place and it doesn't make much sense about it to discuss again and again, because some things, as brutal as they are sometimes, can we Europeans simply do not change, we are simply too small a group for that.
Question: What is your opinion on professional bodybuilding for women, do you think
it's still aesthetic, does that still have a future?
Susanne Bock: Aesthetic? I did Heavy Weight BB myself until the end of 2004, of course it's nice to see as long as the women don't go too much into the oversized and at the same time a balanced one Have harmony in your well-trained, muscular body.
But many lose sight of it, and some things are then simply no longer reversible, let alone sellable. There will always be women BB in the Pro Division, nobody will just die in this category to let.
Question: What are your plans for 2008? We'll see you again on the
Susanne Bock: Of course, first I'll wait for the Figure Calendar 2008 with the dates and I'll try of course to get an invitation to the Arnold Classic. We'll see how the decision turns out in December.
Question:. Your favorite food?
Susanne Bock: Lasagne
Question: your favorite muscle?
Susanne Bock: legs and stomach
Question: Favorite music?
Susanne Bock: Different amounts of funk, soul and hip hop
Question: and the last and most important ( ) Question. Do you like muscular men?
Susanne Bock: No comment, as that is not decisive for me and I have really found my dream man with whom I have been happily married for over 7 years.
Thanks for an interview.

Bock Susanne - Interview - July 2010
Bock Susanne: I'm now starting at the Dexter Jackson Classic on August 6th / 7th in Florida and a week later in Dallas at the Europe Show.
My preparation takes 12 weeks and is going very well, in my opinion everything is going according to plan.
Ich bin mehr als zufrieden, ich bin diesmal gegenüber 2009 etwas filigraner nicht ganz so massiv. Aber sehr hart, aber nicht zu hart, schauen wir mal ob es passt.Und da jetzt schon, wie in New York beschlossen wurde, die One Pieces Runde wegfällt , schätz ich meine Chancen bei meiner Linie noch besser ein.
My extremely narrow Talie, currently 61 cm, then immediately comes to the fore with beautifully crafted round thighs.
Chris: How do you train in preparation?
Bock Susanne: Now e.g. the last 4 weeks the cardiopensum goes up again with different exercises.
Monday :
2 times each 60min, in the morning Stemill (stairs), in the evening treadmill
Sprint training outside 45 minutes, in the evening 45 minutes cross trainer
in the morning treadmill 50min Hitcardio,
Posing in the evening, etc., is followed by leg training
2 times a 60min treadmill and once a stepper
morning running outside 45min,
Hitcardio at noon 35min on the treadmill,
Cross trainer 45min very late in the evening
That also on Samstag und Sonntag
This time I've only been training my legs, bottom and stomach for the last 6 weeks, I let my upper body rest completely, as it is massive enough for the current figure level.
Legs with exercises only:
Hackenschmidt squats close foot position combined with FIST 7,
Beinpresse 45 ° einzeln und enge Fusstelllung,
inner and outer leg,
Plie squats very wide position,
Squat multipress
One-legged squats on the highest bench in the studio
Stepp ups
Sitting hamstrings for 4 weeks 4–6 sets every day,
Hamstrings lying and standing individually
Lying gluteus machine
Sit ups on the pezzi ball,
Crunches at an angle in the bank with very high WH
Chris: How important is nutrition in the pro figure class
Bock Susanne: Was für ein Frage Sorry ? aber genauso wichtig und diszipliniert wie in anderen Kategorien auch ?
Chris: What is your goal for this competition?
Bock Susanne: Olympia Quali
Chris: The Bodybuilding XXL Team wishes you good luck
Bock Susanne: Thank you and best regards from Kiel.