Current research shows: Creatine intake can inhibit myostatin formation!
Recently it was found that a Creatin-Supplementation together with weight training weakens the serum myostatin levels. Myostatin is responsible for the catabolic regulation of muscle mass and therefore inhibits muscle growth.
However, if the corresponding gene for myostatin production is switched off in mice, excessive muscle growth occurs in the rodents. In a similar way, the growth-inhibiting effect of myostatin is also lost in Belgian blue cattle, since the gene is changed as a result of a mutation.

There are even rumors in bodybuilding that some successful athletes lack the myostatin gene. Several supplement manufacturers have tried to develop a product that specifically inhibits myostatin formation. It has now been proven that Creatin is more than suitable for it!
Studies on the influence of creatine on myostatin formation.
A double-blind study examined the effect of eight weeks of weight training and creatine intake on strength and lean mass as well as on the serum myostatin levels. The growth and differentiation factor serum protein 1 was used as a measured variable.
The 27 male subjects were divided into three groups:
- Placebo control group
- Weight training placebo group
- Weight training creatine group
Serum Protein (GASP-1): Serum proteins are the proteins (proteins) contained in blood serum. Their composition corresponds to that of the plasma proteins, minus the separated fibrinogen. Depending on their size, they can be electrophoretically separated into different fractions for diagnostic purposes

The men trained three times a week and did six exercises per workout:
- Bench press
- Pull-downs
- Curls
- Leg presses
- Beinstrecken
- Beincurls
For each exercise, eight were up ten repetitions with 60 to 70 percent of the ones maximum. The creatine or the placebo was used in the first week daily to 0.3 grams per kilo of body weight administered and then to 0.05 grams per kilo and per day.
At the beginning of the study and in the fourth and eighth week, the myostatin and serum protein values were measured using blood samples and the strength and body composition were examined.
As expected, the men from the training and placebo groups had lower and increased myostatin levels in the fourth and eighth week GASP-1 values on. In the participants from the training and creatine group, however, the myostatin levels in the fourth and eighth week were half lower than in those from the training and placebo group!
The combination of training and creatine also increased lean mass and upper and lower body strength to a greater extent than training with the placebo.
So here is another study that confirms the strength and muscle building benefits of taking creatine. However, it is the first study to show that these effects are related to the effects of creatine on serum myostatin levels. With so many positive reports on the effects of creatine, it is not surprising that it has become a top supplement in bodybuilding.
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