Creatine and functions. Recent studies on creatine. How can creatine improve my performance?

Creatine has become an integral part of athletes' lives these days. Numerous studies have shown a positive effect on strength performance and training volume. According to the latest studies, creatine can improve brain performance. Brain function deteriorates quickly when the brain is deprived of oxygen. This can happen at extreme altitudes or during acute head trauma that can occur in sports such as American football, alpine skiing or soccer.
According to a New Zealand study, creatine supplements protect the brain from low oxygen problems.
Studies course
The researchers put healthy adults in one for 90 minutes Environment with ten percent oxygen, which makes brain function significantly impaired.
Normal oxygen levels are just under 21%.
Eine Vorbehandlung mit Creatin über 7 Tage schützte das Gehirn vor den Auswirkungen einer niedrigen Sauerstoffgehalts.
It is not known whether creatine would be a good addition to To prevent brain injuries in athletes.
These findings from the New Zealand study are meant for everyone Endurance athletes and strength athletes are very interesting.
Since the latest, athletes have been training with a to increase their endurance Elevation Mask.
What is an elevation mask?

This mask reduces the absorption of oxygen, so the body is forced to perform the same with less oxygen. The elevation training mask is comparable to altitude training. The training ensures a higher density of red blood cells so that the muscles are better supplied with oxygen. Thus you can shorten the training time. You get faster and have more stamina.
Many athletes complain after training with a mask verringerten Sauerstoff, über Concentration problems up to headaches.
By taking creatine one could avoid the unpleasant side effects.
More about Creatin deren Arten und Anwendung im Kraft- und Ausdauersport > >

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