What's so bad about wearing a weightlifting belt?
Could it be that coaches find it affected, like themselves seriöse Bodybuilder und Strength athletes address the use of belts? I hope not. For whatever reason, weightlifting belts are no longer used as often as they used to be. Maybe that's a matter of the ego. But you can confidently kick your ego out when it comes to protecting your spine and building strength. Because the belt is helpful for both at the same time. There is ample evidence to back up this claim - unless you are willing to accept the opinion of a serious strength athlete, his best friend belt ist.
A Study looked at the activity of the abdominal muscles during the deadlift performed with a weightlifting belt. It found that this increased abdominal muscle activity, although it decreased the activity of the oblique abdominal muscles. Further research confirms that wearing a belt while squatting increases the activity of “the back extensor, which is not the case without a belt. These results show that the claim that belts weaken abs and core muscles is simply not true. In fact, a weightlifting belt increases internal abdominal pressure, stabilizes the spine and decreases pressure on the intervertebral discs.
- Abdominal pressure is increased
- The spine is stabilized
- Pressure on the intervertebral discs is reduced
A Study found that the pressure on the intervertebral discs was reduced by 50 percent after a training session! A belt not only gives you more security, but you are also stronger and stronger
can lift more weight. And another study showed that the subjects who wore a belt were able to complete their repetitions faster. That helped them produce more power. So wearing a belt is a good thing.
For those who are still not convinced, it might be helpful to know what a belt is good for. The belt is supposed to protect the back, isn't it? Well, that's not entirely true. Most strength athletes who do without a belt are wrong on this point. The belt is actually for that Bauch thought.
When deadlifting or squatting, the stomach naturally expands or pushes forward. Imagine there was a liquid ball between your abs and your spine. As you squat, the ball expands and pushes your abs forward. This expansion also pushes the spine forward, because it follows the liquid ball, so to speak. At this moment, our core muscles have to do extra work to keep the ball in place (i.e. maintain the pressure) so that our spine maintains its axial alignment . However, when we train with heavy weights, we can no longer maintain that pressure. The abdomen expands, the spine moves slightly forward, and the safety of the spine is compromised.
The abdominal wall is more strongly supported by the belt. It creates enough pressure to counteract the liquid ball so that the spine stays in place. Therefore, you should never use a belt that is narrow at the front and wide at the back. Get one that is the same width everywhere. This ensures a balanced transfer of pressure from front to back.
Regardless of what some personal trainers might tell you: With your belt on, your core muscles are working at full speed and are actually getting stronger!
Once you have targeted your core and abdominal muscles, you will understand why powerlifters and strength athletes value training the abdominal and core muscles every day of the week.
Leg presses
Hackenschmidt squats
We can't talk about weightlifting belts without at least mentioning how to use them not correct can use. The belt should stay in the gym bag for most work sets, that is, when little internal abdominal pressure is required and no more than what you can already muster. For example, if you put on a belt for every set of biceps curls, you would have to be pounded on by someone because you don't need a belt for curls. And unless you're using super heavy weights, you won't need it to bench press either. Remember what we said about pressure and expansion. When doing the bench press, gravity ensures that the spine is pressed against the bench.
Review the exercise listing ("Put Your Belt On") to see when putting on a weightlifting belt is high, medium, or low priority. Only use a belt if you are exercising with very heavy weights.

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