Product review by Nico Lother.
As with all boosters from IHS Technology the "good manufacturing practice" (GMP), the "good hygiene practice" (GHP) and the food safety management HACCP are shown. All standards that allow a clean and immovable dietary supplement to be developed. In addition, "Tested Lab", "High Quality" and "Doping Free" are shown. Since this is not about any official standards or certifications, you have to trust the manufacturer here.
Here, too, we have a whole range of ingredients, albeit the fewest of the three boosters at 15. Personally, I am not a fan of many ingredients that are thrown together wildly, but here one has obviously thought about different ingredients with similar areas of action to achieve synergy effects.
The following active ingredients are included:

... not only improves the absorption of other amino acids, but also plays an important role in protein synthesis
... is a more potent form of arginine. Improves the supply of oxygen and nutrients to the muscles and increases the "muscle pump" by improving blood circulation.
... improves alertness and counteracts tiredness.
... everyone knows. At first glance, 100mg appears to be a moderate dose. However, we have included 2 other sources of caffeine here (guarana and yerba mate), which is why the effect should not be underestimated.
... contains the strongest naturally occurring caffeine with "Guarin" and is therefore particularly suitable for anyone who wants to complete an intensive training session.
Yerba Mate Extrakt
... contains a lot of caffeine and thus contributes significantly to the stimulating effect.
... is mainly the supplier for synephrine. Synephrine is a substance with a structural similarity to the prescription ephedrine, but much weaker in its effect.
Schizandrol A
... works similarly to caffeine, only better. It ensures a good focus without turning it up.
Beta Alanin
... is the preliminary stage of the peptide L-carnosine, which occurs mainly in muscle and nerve tissue. Carnosine increases physical performance by counteracting over-acidification of the muscles.
N-Acetyl L-Carnitin
... is the neurologically more effective variant of L-carnitine and is being researched in clinical studies for depression, fatigue and cognitive deficits.
... is important for general muscle function and counteracts cramps.
Vitamin B1, B6, B12
... are particularly indispensable for the functioning of the nervous system.
Last but not least the interesting ingredient.
Huperzine A
... is a substance that acts as an acetylcholinase inhibitor. This enzyme is actually responsible for breaking down acetylcholine. The inhibition of this enzyme increases the concentration of acetylcholine throughout the body, so that we can experience increased focus and an improved muscle-mind connection.
Just like the others. Delicious, fruity, sweet. You can't taste the exact direction, but hey ... it doesn't matter if it tastes good! And the good high kick actually does that, only afterwards you have a slightly chemical taste, which is not worth mentioning.
Is just as great as the other boosters. In the glass, stirred and done.
The effect of the Show Time is clearly designed for energy and focus. You don't have to expect anything in the direction of the pump. Not that it makes her bad. Since you use different and strong sources of caffeine in addition to caffeine, coffee junkies will also feel something of the effect. Overall, it definitely gives you energy, wakes you up and makes you feel good. No side effects other than sweating more. But logical when the metabolism revs up. I like the effect very much.
If you need a little more thrust, you can treat yourself to 2 scoops, but then the pump works.
Here, too, one tries again with low doses and similarly acting substances that potentiate the effect in order to achieve low and harmless doses. That it IHS Technology Health is also an issue, as you can see from all the health-promoting substances in this product. Away from the hardcore booster, which permanently destroys you, and towards the booster with the small health benefit. Like that!
Expressed in points:
I would give the energy and the feeling a 9/10 give. The Focus gets a 7/10. You don't have any hardcore stims here that cause a blatant tunnel vision, but you can feel an increase in focus. Since we don't have any noteworthy Have pump supps in there, only 800mg AAKG, I leave out this category.
For just about We get € 40 for 28 portionsn (one more than the Iron Pump). That makes you close 1,43€ pro Portion. Not cheap but still reasonable. Definitely works more than an energy drink and costs similar. So thumbs up with the hope of one or the other discount campaign.
The same applies here again: IHS is a still unknown manufacturer in Germany. I went to the test with little expectation and was positively surprised. You can't go wrong here. At this point I would like to emphasize again that the effect of combining the boosters could be very interesting and should definitely be tried!