Kratochwil Nicole - Life cycle
Name: Nicole Kratochwil
Born on: October 23rd, 1976
Marital status Unmarried
Children: none
Resident in: Lower Saxony
Hobbies: French Bulldogs, reading good books, web design
Hair color: dark brown
Eye color: green - brown
Height: 168 cm
Weight offseason: 60 - 62 kg
Weight competition: 54 - 56.5 kg
Clothing size: 36
Maße: 90 – 63 – 86

Kratochwil Nicole - Success
Modelcontests 2000 – 2001
1. Platz – Princess of Germany
1st place - Princess of Lower Saxony
1st place - Princess of Harz (Central Germany)
2nd place German Championship 2001, Fitness Model (NAC)
1st place West German State Championship 2001, Fitness Model (NAC)
3rd place North German State Championship 2001, Fitness (NAC)
3rd place West German State Championship 2001, Fitness (NAC)
1st place Miss World Fitness Model 2002, Austria (NAC)
1. Platz Miss World Fitness Shape 2002, Greece (NABBA Int. Inc.)
1st place European Championship 2002, Fitness Shape (NABBA Int. Inc.)
1st place German Championship 2002, Fitness Model (NAC)
1st place East German State Championship 2002, Fitness Model (NAC)
1st place North German State Championship 2002, Fitness Model (NAC)
1st place West German State Championship 2002, Fitness Model (NAC)
1st place 2004 Miss Universum + overall winner figure performance (WFF)
1st place 2004 German champion + overall winner (NABBA)
1st place 2005 Miss Universum + overall winner figure performance (WFF)

Kratochwil Nicole - Interview
- How long do you train and how did you get into fitness?
Nicole Kratochwil : I signed up for the first time in a gym when I was 16, which was 14 years ago. My brother was the crucial point back then. With the difference that he soon stopped and I stayed. At 17 I was already working in a small gym. Even then, I was only interested in the devices. To this day, courses are not for me.
I came to competitive sport through my then partner Markus Schubert, who encouraged me wherever possible. I am very grateful to him that he recognized my potential and thus contributed to my success.
- What is the diet like? Do you need to have an extra diet to stay in shape?
Nicole Kratochwil : I try to make my diet varied. Low in fat and low in carbohydrates, but more protein in the form of poultry and beef. There are many small things that I pay attention to. For me it is important e.g. Food like vegetables should not be "boiled to death" - steaming is much tastier and also healthier!
I'm not in my best shape all year round. It's not particularly healthy for my body or my psyche. I like to treat myself to something that doesn't actually fit into the plan, such as Crisps. Although I also prefer the light version here. I really love chips!
There are now good, healthy alternatives to the fatty or high-carbohydrate foods of our time in the shops. I like to use them.
- How often do you workout? Please present your training program to us.
Nicole Kratochwil : I designed my training according to what I wanted to achieve. Build muscle, compete, lose fat, etc. I don't have THE plan that I train. I often train intuitively and listen to what my body tells me. I stick to the basic exercises because they are the alpha and omega of successful training. I never kept records. Of course, this is not done during the preparation for the competition. Of course there was a plan according to which I trained. I had a partner at my side who is very knowledgeable in his field through years of experience and who has contributed a lot to ensure that everything was perfectly tailored to me and my goal.
Last but not least, I think my genetics are a big part of my success. I am very grateful for that because it enabled me to be what I am today. So I should thank my parents, shouldn't I?
- You are very successful in NABBA, WFF are there differences between the associations?
Nicole Kratochwil : The difference between the NABBA and the WFF is that the WFF is an independent "subsidiary" of the NABBA Association, which is exclusively fitness and figure class-oriented. In the classes, emphasis is placed on a sporty, feminine appearance. Muscles are no longer decisive here, as in the body classes, but the aesthetic point moves more into the foreground. Of course, everyone interprets the aesthetics differently.
A quote from the evaluation guidelines: “The overall evaluation is the harmonious, symmetrical and aesthetic physical development. Extreme definition, pronounced vascularity and extreme muscularity in general are not desirable. "
- What are your sporting plans for 2007?
Nicole Kratochwil : I no longer have any competition ambitions. I've had a successful time and quit when things go best. I also have other hobbies, for example I ride. Now is the time for me to enjoy other things. The interest in fitness doesn't stop there. I just make it different. I have already dealt with getting involved with other athletes in the past. It will continue to do so. I am still very interested in people's sporting careers, be it in forums and also privately.
- Will we see you at FIBO?
Nicole Kratochwil : I'll be there for at least one day, but I can't say which day it will be. Factors like the job also play a role in the decision.
- Your website is very complex and well maintained, do you do it yourself?
Nicole Kratochwil :Many thanks! Yes, my website was designed and created by me. This is another big hobby of mine. Versatility is something that I have developed and preserved over the years in order to create a balance.
- Your favorite bodybuilder and why?
Nicole Kratochwil : My favorite bodybuilder ... is from the pros Dennis James. I am lucky enough to know him personally and I know what a warm and above all funny type of person he is.
For the fitness or figure women it would be Monica Brant, the devil knows why she was often placed worse at the Figure Olympia than she actually was in my opinion! For me it is perfect. It's probably all a matter of opinion.
– Lieblings Essen
Nicole Kratochwil : Sushi comes first, closely followed by beef lean meat (homemade - I don't really like these ready-made beef jerkies) and grandma's home-style cooking. I can eat a lot if I like it. That has often made some people smile.
-Favourite movie
Nicole Kratochwil : There are several. The “Lord of the Rings” trilogy, for example, or classics like Grease and - of course - Dirty Dancing! It's just the way it is, even if I sometimes annoy my fellow men with it * laughs *. Because of this, I have to watch these films alone. You get used to it.
And honestly? I think Hugh Jackman and Bruce Willis are really hot, and so do all of the films in which they appear with very few exceptions.
- Favorite book
Nicole Kratochwil : I've read always and everywhere since I was little. I've read so many books, there were good ones and bad ones. I can't say which was the best or which is my favorite book. "We children from Bahnhof Zoo" has me for example very touched. I don't read books just once - there are books that I've read a dozen times. Stephen King as well as all kinds of cookbooks. I like them all, and each is my favorite book in its own way - at least for the moment I read it ...
So now you know a lot more about me. I would like to thank all readers and visitors of this portal for their interest in me and my career.
All the best
Kratochwil Nicole - Training
Ein Beispielplan.
This is what my 3-day plan would look like. The weights are in the middle range.
Tag 1:
Rücken und Trapez
Wide pull-ups on the machine: 3 sets of maximum reps
Lat pulldowns wide to the chest 3/10 - 12
Lat pulldowns close to the chest 3/10 - 12
Insulator tight grip 4 / 10-12
Erector machine 3/12-15 barbell shoulder raises 3 sets / 8-10 reps
Row upright on the tower 3/10 - 12
Tag 2:
Legs and chest
Leg extensions 4 sets / 12-15 reps
Leg presses (narrow stand) 3/8 - 10
Squat or machine lying 3 / 8-10
Lying leg curler 3/10 - 12
Standing leg curl 3 / 10-12
Deadlift 3/10-12 bench press 3 sets / 12-15 reps
Butterfly 2 / 10 – 12
Incline bench press or flying incline 2 / 10-12
Tag 3:
Biceps, triceps and shoulders
Standing dumbbell curls 3 sets / 10-12 reps
Bicep machine individually 2/10 - 12
Hammer curls 2 / 10-12 push down in the overhand grip 3 sets / 8-10 reps
Push down am Seil 3 / 8 – 10
Push down individually in the underhand grip 3/8 - 10
Militarypress 2 sets / 8-10 reps
Lateral raise 3 / 8-10
Frontheben 3/8 - 10
Lateral raise bent forward or delta machine 3 / 8-10