Niederhauser Susanne - curriculum vitae
Name: Susanne Niederhauser
Address: Austria (Wels) Wels Online
Birthday: August 13, 1970
Marital status: have lived with my friend Wolfgang for years
Profession: Commercial clerk at a daily newspaper
Height: 161 cm
Weight: competition: 57 kg - otherwise approx. 61 - 64 kg
Weapon: 38 cm
Height: 64 cm
Leg: 56 cm
Calves: 38 cm
Favorite exercise: Everything - I just don't like aerobic exercise

Niederhauser Susanne - Competitions
– 18. Platz – Dexter Jackson Classic (Jacksonville (USA)
– 20. Platz – Europa Super Show – Texas (USA)
– 17. Platz – Miss International (Arnolds Classic) – Columbus (USA)
– 4. Platz – Miss International (Arnold´s Classic) – LG Columbus/Ohio – USA
- 3rd place - IFBB Europa Super Show - LG - Dallas (USA)
– 4. Platz – Jan Tana Classics – LG – Charlotte/NC (USA)
- 7th place - Miss Olympia - LG - Las Vegas (USA)
– 1. Platz – South West Pro Cup – LG – Dallas (USA)
– 2. Platz – World Games – Akita (Japan)
- 5th place - World Championship Warsaw
- 1st place - Austria Cup
- 1st place - World Championship Sidney (Australia)
- 4th place - World Championship Alicante (Spain)
- Overall victory Austria Cup (International)
- 8th place - IFBB European Championship Minsk
- 2nd place - Austrian championship
- 1st place - Austrian championship
- Overall victory - Upper Austrian state championship
- 2nd place - Austrian championship
- 1st place - Upper Austrian state championship
Niederhauser Susanne – Interview
Q. How did you get into bodybuilding?
Susanne Niederhauser: Actually, I was just looking for a hobby to compensate for sitting office work. I liked the weight training from the beginning and the pictures of Cory Everson and Anja Langer really motivated me. I was immediately attracted to the muscular look.
After seeing the first bodybuilding competition, it was clear to me that I would also like to be on the competition stage. It took a few more years, but once it started, I couldn't let go.
Q. How long does it take to train to get a figure like you?
Susanne Niederhauser: I can't answer that. It depends very much on how intensively you do the sport and the necessary diet. But I would say you can achieve a lot within 4 years.
Q. What is your training like? How often do you exercise Please provide a sample training program.
Susanne Niederhauser: How often I train depends very much on my form, how long I have until a competition or whether there is a competition at all.
Q. What would you recommend to our readers who are just starting out in fitness?
Susanne Niederhauser: I would recommend that you go to the studio at least 3 - 4 times a week and plan fixed times for it. Look for a training partner - if possible your life partner, because it's just more fun with two. And also deal with healthy eating. You will have the best results when your diet and exercise are in harmony.
Don't be afraid to build too much muscle. You will see that it is a long process. Do not stand on the scales but check your progress in the mirror. You might even gain weight in the beginning.
Q. What is your diet like? Are you on a strict diet?
Susanne Niederhauser: In preparation for a championship (about 20 weeks) - so if I want to lose fat and build muscle, then my diet is very strict. Not in terms of quantity, I don't need to go hungry. On the contrary, I eat a lot - but very consciously. I make sure I eat a lot of protein - so eat a lot of lean meat and fish. I eat very little low-fat and my carbohydrates consist of rice, potatoes, vegetables, and fruits.
In the off-season I try to eat very conscientiously during the week and on the weekends I like to have enough breakfast or really good food with all the trimmings.

Q. How do you find the development in women bodybuilding? What would you improve
Susanne Niederhauser: Unfortunately, women's bodybuilding has not developed the way I would like to see it. At the moment, the women are too bulky and too extremely defined for my taste. The breast implants are also not saved. Unfortunately, the jury seems to be happy to see it. For myself, this look is not worth striving for.
My personal opinion and a big wish would be if there would be a bodybuilding class of its own in which more emphasis is placed on femininity. There have already been good approaches by introducing the figure class. But these ladies are not bodybuilders. A class between the bodybuilding and the figure class would be just right.
Q. Do you like muscle men? Is there a sexy bodybuilder?
Susanne Niederhauser: I like men with and without muscles. But in truth there is only one for me.
Q. What is your favorite food?
Susanne Niederhauser: When I'm on a diet, I prefer chili with rice, Thai or my homemade ice cream with muesli. When I'm not dieting, cakes, pizza and white bread are just the hit.
Q. your favorite music?
Susanne Niederhauser: My absolute favorites are George Michael, Xavier Naidoo, Sade and Simply Red

Niederhauser Susanne – Training
Susanne: My training in preparation for a competition could look something like this:
Mo: legs
30 minutes of fast walking on the treadmill
Leg stretcher
3 sets of leg extensions
3 Sätze Kniebeugen
3 Sätze Beinpressen
3 sets of lying leg curls
3 sets of lunges
3 sets of dead lifts with straight legs
Di: Brust ,Rücken
3 sets of crunches
3 Sätze Beinheben
3 sets of flat bench presses
3 sets of bench presses at an angle
3 Sätze Butterflies
3 Sätze Klimmzüge
3 sets of T-bar rows
3 sets of tight cord pulls
45 minutes of alternating running and walking
From: Arme
4 sets of barbell curls
4 sets of dumbbell curls
4 sets of cable triceps extensions
4 sets of dips in the parallel holes
Belly 6 sets of rope crunches and lying crunches (superset)
Fr: shoulders
30 Minuten Laufen
4 sets of seated calf raises
4 sets of standing calf raises
3 Sätze Seitenheben
3 sets of shoulder presses
3 sets of side raises bent forward