Johnnie jackson has a reputation for being an extremely strong professional bodybuilder, lifting 1000 pounds in the Deadlift. And in his almost ten-year career, he is considered to be one of the athletes with the best constitution. People talk about his enormous deltas and extreme pecs, but hardly anyone mentions his slim stomach area, which rivals that of any other professional.
Johnnie always prepares for competitions in the same way - neither with extreme calorie restriction nor with complicated calculation of macronutrients. For the twelve weeks he just follows a few basic rules. Johnnie says it's not the diet that pays, but the discipline: “It's no different from training in the studio. The ego interferes with training, so it interferes with diet too. Do not think of yourself as better or more beautiful than you are. Go on day by day. Every meal and every workout has to be perfect. If you look at each meal and workout individually, you can get that under control. You will be satisfied every time you accomplish a goal. That motivates! And every progress motivates for the next goal. "
Jackson emphasizes that his tips, like those of other athletes, books and experts - are based on trial and error and research into one's own body. And like everything in bodybuilding, it just gets easier with experience. "Your body reacts differently every time before the competition"says Jackson. "Sometimes the diet works, and sometimes you realize that you need to help out at certain points."
With the right mindset in the gym and a strong cardio plan, your body will be defined like never before. And if you take the following nine tried and tested diet tips from Johnnie Jackson to heart, it might work out even better!
Calories in and out, right? The simple-thinking bodybuilders are often satisfied with that. But you don't want it simple - you want it to be precise. Therefore, plan each individual calorie carefully because a certain reduction each day will help you achieve your goals. But this is so complex that it can distract from the actual goal. "I don't count all the calories," says Jackson. "Instead, I think was I eat. Before the competition, what you eat is more important than how much. Eating the right thing before the competition will help make you look better. If you have the right fuel, the body will throw out the waste on its own. It's about the right Food. You have energy as long as you don't undereat. You will learn to make an efficient machine with every calorie of your body. "
You can win or lose with the water. This applies to the stage, to photo sessions, but also if you just want to look good on the beach. "The more you drink, the more you flush," says Jackson. “Of course, as a bodybuilder, you are not allowed to store water. At first you cannot differentiate between water and fat in preparation. To lose fat, you need to drink enough water throughout the day so that the body is flushed through. Anyone who thinks they only have to break down water will notice under the headlights that they have accumulated fat.
But how much water do you need to lose weight? "I think at least four liters a day, better still eight," recommends Jackson. “Until last week, I was drinking eight liters a day. Then three days of distilled water and none at all on Friday evening. Distilled water can dehydrate you quickly. So take vitamins and minerals because you will lose them. The water is so light that you think you can drink four liters quickly. But it also quickly flushes the water out of your body. You can only drink it for a short time as it can lead to dehydration and cramps. "
Have you ever wondered about the exact process Competitive bodybuilder in den Tagen vor einer Show durchlaufen, indem sie Trainingsvolumen und -intensität, Kohlenhydrat-und Proteinaufnahme sowie Salz- und Wasserverbrauch so verändern, dass sie optimal aussehen? Mehr über Wettkampfvorbereitung > >
While there is mounting evidence that more sodium is beneficial for bodybuilders, it is important to watch out for consumption before competing. "I didn't know any better before and started spicing up sparingly early," says Jackson. I believed that tasteless food was more effective. Today I season normally - just so that it tastes good and fits the diet. It takes 72 hours for the body to break down the sodium, but I don't break it down completely because of the risk of dehydration and cramps. I'm looking for the golden mean. This way I look better and do more.
Two weeks before the competition, Jackson then takes the sodium-free "Mrs. Dash ”so that the food doesn't taste bland. “I'll take it until the Monday of the competition week, then I won't season any more and the distilled water will quickly empty me. I want to empty the stores and tighten the skin around the muscles. Three days before and on Friday I take sodium again so that the water gets into the muscles and the blood vessels come out. "
Like any bodybuilder, Jackson takes many protein shakes throughout the year. He consumes 55 grams of whey protein two to three times a day. He changes that immediately before the competition. "Two weeks in advance, I stop taking the supplements so as not to store any water," he says. “I only continue to use a fat burner to keep my energy. I do without shakes, my liquid is then water. After all, shakes are part of water intake too, and so can mess you up. So no shakes and eat right instead. "
Small meals spread throughout the day stimulate the metabolism best. However, this does not necessarily apply to a bodybuilder before the competition who is still training hard and wants to lose as much fat as possible. Jackson is a habitual person, however. And now that little daughter Georgia is here, sleep is particularly important. Therefore he always gets up at the same time and goes to sleep at the same time. This means that his diet is also very regular. “I try to eat every 2.5 to 3 hours, like in the offseason,” he says. That's seven times from getting up to going to bed. "
Haben carbohydrates Influence on weight loss? Yes. So should you eliminate them entirely? Not if you want to keep exercising intensely! Unlike the typical bodybuilder, Jackson consumes most of the carbohydrates at the beginning of preparation: “I take more carbohydrates during preparation because in the offseason I can do the heavy training with fats and Protein support. There are lots of complex carbohydrates from garden-baked and sweet potatoes, oatmeal, corn and green beans for competition. However, I avoid rice and other things boiled in water. "
Of course, carbohydrate intake changes just before the competition. Two weeks before the competition, it goes down a little to empty the memory. “A week before that I only take half, and from Monday to Wednesday I leave it out almost entirely. Then on Friday evening I literally shovel in the carbohydrates. That drives the water out and forces me to use the toilet more often. "
But you need to eat the right kind of carbohydrates. Common carbohydrates such as pasta or white rice that some competitive bodybuilders eat absorb water when they are cooked. “Carbohydrates boiled in water are wrong! I only eat baked sweet and white potatoes. "
This high calorie macronutrient is hotly debated among bodybuilders. Jackson, who eats tons of healthy fats out of season, cuts them down to lose weight, but without overdoing it. “I try to avoid fat as much as possible. But it's in chicken and egg, and I eat at least two whole eggs with the egg white, ”he says. “You can't avoid fat entirely. Try as best you can. To lose weight, avoid anything that the body can easily store as fat. "
When you're working out hard, protein is just as important for losing weight as it is for gaining weight. Protein is said to optimize protein synthesis. Maximum muscle healing brings maximum metabolic tissue. That is why you shouldn't reduce it while losing weight. "I'm not changing anything," says Jackson. “It always stays the same. Eat as much as you can because it optimizes growth and healing. "
He just leaves out the protein shakes. He compensates for the loss of 100 grams or more of protein with more meat and fish: "In the six weeks before a show, I keep changing the type of fish," he says. "Salmon, tuna, tilapia, pomegranate - a different fish for every meal."
Wenn Sie den mentalen Ansatz beherrschen, sollte die Bewertung des Fortschritts einfach sein oder? Sie müssen ehrlich zu sich sein und der Wahrheit ins Auge sehen. Viele, die definierter werden wollen, sind nur auf die Waage und ihr früheres Idealgewicht fixiert. Das kann gefährlich sein – besonders, wenn man älter wird. Jedes Jahr setzt der Körper ein paar mehr Pfunde an, also stimmt Ihr Ziel eventuell nicht mehr. Vertrauen Sie dem Spiegel! Es zeigt Ihnen genau, wo Sie gerade stehen.
“I prefer the mirror to the scales,” Jackson says emphatically. “I've done both and I'm sticking with the mirror. If you only pay attention to the weight, you may reach your desired weight, but does he also look good? I used to do my weight competitions, I wanted to be the most massive. But with that I went to the competitions too bulky and overloaded. Everyone should know the limits of their body and look as good as possible within them. The mirror doesn't lie! "
If after a twelve week diet plan you still don't like your reflection in the mirror, reassess your situation and change your diet, exercise, or cardio. But maybe you had already reached your top form. Therefore, always pay attention to the mirror. “One of my biggest mistakes was once I thought I was leaner than I was,” he says. I didn't take the diet seriously at first and halfway through the process I realized that I could have done more to look better before the competition, ”Jackson says, self-critical.
To get defined, really hard, you need to train like an animal, be serious about cardio, and take the right supplements. But if you then slut on the diet, you will not reach your full potential. Think about these nine tips and you will soon be ready for the stage. And remember, every body reacts differently to the same stimulus. Find out how your body reacts to changes in diet and exercise and your body is ripe for a front cover - like that of Johnnie Jackson.