No matter if it It's about getting the right job or finding a partner for life hit, timing is everything. The following applies to the diet of bodybuilders even more so. Current scientific evidence suggests that it is There are optimal times when we consume our protein during the day should to push our gains to extremes.
Did you know there is an optimal amount of protein and an optimal timing for getting it?
Peter Lemon, a recognized figure in the protein needs of strength athletes, has addressed this issue repeatedly. He recommends a protein intake that 1.8 grams per kilogram of body weight does not exceed. I usually advise my athletes 2 grams of protein per kilogram of body weightwhich is slightly more than what the majority of researchers consider necessary.
From studies It appears that having more protein does not necessarily build muscle speeds up, but contributes to a reduction in body fat and appetite can. I've been using different protein formats from 25 to 40 percent of the time Daily calorie intake worked to keep body fat and feelings of hunger at bay to keep. Again, this is more than what is needed to build muscle, but the appropriate amount to curb the appetite and the burning of Stimulate body fat.
Of course, every manufacturer claims that their product is the best. The pace at which new and improved protein products are entering the market is rapid. The veterans among us still vividly remember a time when every protein powder tasted terrible and either could not be dissolved at all or only dissolved into a paste as thick as paste. As far as taste and mixing behavior are concerned, huge progress has been made in the meantime, so that in general it can be said that the products that have recently come onto the market are all of good quality. And as long as you choose a high quality protein powder, it doesn't matter which manufacturer it came from. Many people know that different proteins have different properties. A comparison of whey and casein and how they affect protein synthesis brought some interesting things to light.
Casein is digested slowly and causes a slow release of the amino acids into the bloodstream, with the result that the amino acid level is still increased three hours after the intake. It was further observed that people practiced protein synthesis Casein did not exert a very large influence, while it significantly decreased protein destruction.
When the researchers investigated the behavior of Molke Protein When they examined them, they discovered some key differences.
First: The release of the amino acids into the blood was much faster, which resulted in a significant increase in protein synthesis. An effect that unfortunately subsided after about an hour. Even more: parallel to the increase in protein synthesis, there was an increase in protein destruction. This dynamic interplay that takes place in the body at all times should be kept in mind: At the moment when new proteins are created (anabolism), other proteins are broken down or destroyed (catabolism).

Target of Bodybuilders need to take protein synthesis more weight than catabolism. As a way out of this dilemma, I have mine Supplementation timing added certain amino acids that maximize caused protein synthesis.
The Casein Being able to slow down protein destruction for up to three hours is extremely important. According to recent studies, it is much better to consume protein before exercise than immediately afterwards. After considering numerous study results, I was able to create a „Protein-Timing“ that has helped my clients achieve very impressive results. I let them do a combination of right before their workout Molkeproteinisolat, Leucine, Drink taurine, and glutamine, causing amino acids to seep into your bloodstream right on time you start your dumbbell exercise. Every muscle contraction stimulates amino acid uptake.

Thanks to this perfectly timed supply of whey and amino acids, the hard-working muscles of my clients always have the aminos available. Bodybuilders who want to gain weight should consume a protein drink before bed that can slow down nightly catabolism.
After the workout, I have them drink the same mixture about double the amount Carbohydrates. If desired, a tablespoon of flaxseed oil and a bit of cut fruit can be added.
Bodybuilders who want to gain weight should consume a protein drink in the evening that is based on whey with delayed action or on casein and also contains taurine, leucine and glutamine.
With a Mixture of whey, milk and additional amino acids you always lie correct. Your body benefits from essential amino acids including certain "key aminos" that facilitate protein synthesis and stimulate other mechanisms conducive to muscle growth. A heaped one Tablespoon of whey protein that you dissolve in two cups of skimmed milk and use Enriching leucine, taurine, glutamine, a banana and some ice fulfills that Requirements of a shake consumed before bed and tastes good pretty tasty too.

Who his Shake like sweeter and thicker, should be about a tablespoon Put instant banana pudding (sugar-free) from the bag into the blender - through this the liquid becomes thicker and the taste better.
There are numerous recipes for quickly and easily prepared shakes, all with a heaping tablespoon of whey protein two cups of skimmed milk as a base begin. Because most of my clients eat fewer fruits and vegetables than they do should, I use the shakes as a trick to "smuggle them in". whey Strawberry-flavored powders fresh or frozen strawberries are one A combination that tastes great.
Some Exercisers want to boost their insulin production after exercise and therefore use fruit juices instead of fresh fruit in their shakes. A Boosting insulin production makes perfect sense, but it should be mine Believed to be achieved in a way by which health in general benefits and which does not sacrifice valuable nutrients. Try in the Majority of your shakes use fresh fruit instead of ready-made juices.
Before the training
- 20 to 40 grams of whey protein
- 1 teaspoon Leucine
- 1 Teelöffel Taurin
- 1 teaspoon of glutamine
After training
- 20 to 40 grams of whey protein
- 40 to 80 grams carbohydrates
- 1 Teelöffel Leucin
- 1 Teelöffel Taurin
- 1 teaspoon of glutamine
- 1 teaspoon Creatin
Vor dem Zubettgehen
30 to 40 Grams of protein (whey protein with delayed effects or casein as a base)
• 1 teaspoon of leucine
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