Schilling Anne - curriculum vitae
Date of birth: 02/16/77
Geburtsort: Berlin
Place of residence: Berlin
Height: 172cm
Offseason ca. 65kg
Onseason ca. 68kg
Schilling Anne - successes
Amateur Arnolds Classic 2011 – Platz 4
IFBB World Championship Women 2011 - 5th place
IFBB - World Championship Women 2010 - October 2010 - 6th place
IFBB - Int. German Championship 2010 - 1st place
German bench press championship November 2009 1st place (70kg)
World Championship in Como October 2009 7th place
European Championship in Bratislava May 2009 4th place
Loaded Cup Denmark April 2009 2nd place
Sweden Grand Prix April 2009 4th place
RAW bench press (Grawa) in Ahrendsee March 2009 overall victory women (72.5kg)
German Open RAW Deadlift, Hamburg Nov. 2008 1st place (95kg)
North German RAW bench press championship, Hamburg Sept. 2008 1st place (72.5kg)
North German State Championship Bench Press WPC Aug. 2008 1st place (67.5kg)
German Championship IFBB May 2008 1st place
Berlin Championship May 2008 2nd place
Loaded Cup Denmark May 2008 5th place

German Championship RAW - Bench Press Dec. 2007 4th place (65kg)
Int. German championship autumn 2007 3rd place
Bavarian championship autumn 2007 3rd place
NRW championship autumn 2007 3rd place
Thuringian Championship autumn 2007 2nd place
German Championship Deadlift Raw Oct. 2007 2nd place (90kg)
Athletics Berlin Sept. 2007 2nd place
North German Championship WPC bench press Sept. 2007 1st place (55kg)
German Championship 2007 5th place
East German Championship Spring 2007 1st place
Intern. North German Championship Spring 2007 2nd place
Intern. Berlin championship autumn 2006 3rd place
Schilling Anne – Interview 04.2010
Q. Hello Anne! What are you currently doing?
Anne Schilling: I work as a personal trainer and nutrition coach in Berlin and run a small nutritional supplement company.
Q. How are you currently training:
Anne Schilling: I recently switched from a 3 to a 4 split, which is primarily designed for basic exercises.
I vary the repetition numbers and of course the weights accordingly.
Sometimes heavy with 4-8 reps, sometimes less weight and 15 reps.
For the past 3 weeks I have been doing short interval training twice a week.
Q: What is your diet like?
Anne Schilling: My diet is currently quite balanced in terms of the proportions of carbohydrates, protein and fat. Even though I'm off-season, I eat clean, but have more kcal available and the carbohydrates + fat percentage is significantly higher than in the diet. In the direct preparation I save a lot on these components.
5-6 meals are of course mandatory. I mainly try to go through natural foods and use few shakes.
Of course, you can't do without one or the other product.
Q. What are your plans for 2010?
Anne Schilling: I am fully concentrating on the World Cup in Mexico.
Everything else I will decide spontaneously.
Possibly. one or the other powerlifting competition and maybe the international German championships in autumn.
Q. Thanks for the interview and good luck in Mexico.