As a bodybuilder or strength athlete, you can not only benefit from Protein powder und Amino tablets Life. Sometimes a bodybuilder has to venture into the jungle of products in the supermarket. Thousands of products with colorful packaging and great advertising promises are waiting there to be bought.
Every bodybuilder's shopping list says: milk, quark, meat, eggs.
But is quark the same, a loud NO. Milk equals milk, of course NOT.
In our article we show you what an athlete has to look out for when shopping in the supermarket. We divided the supermarket into several aisles and found the best product there.
soy milk has the most protein (around seven grams per 250 ml) and plenty of B vitamins for energy production besides the milk drinks. The iron contained also gives energy. Cow's milk cannot score with this. This is why soy milk is ideal for bodybuilders who cannot tolerate lactose. Unsweetened soy milk hat sogar weniger Zucker als Kuhmilch, aber die meisten greifen eher zu gesüßten Produkten. Je nach Marke entspricht das dann einem Schokoriegel. Selbst in den einfachen Sorten steckt viel Zucker. Achten Sie daher auf ungesüßte Geschmacksrichtungen.
Most soy drinks have calcium added to them, but scientists at Creighton University (Omaha, USA) have found that only 75 percent of it is absorbed compared to cow's milk. Soy milk often also contains D vitamins in the form D2that is less active than D3, that is added to cow's milk and that your body produces in the sunshine.

It is available everywhere, has lots of protein (eight grams per 250 ml), vitamins and minerals such as vitamin D and B.12 and tastes great. So perfect? Milk contains two types of protein: casein and whey. Both are considered high-quality, muscle-friendly proteins because they contain viele Aminosäurenthat the body can convert into muscle mass. Dutch scientists have found that these proteins, especially whey, curb appetite better than Sojaprotein. The milk also contains a lot IGF-1that stimulates protein synthesis. So it's no wonder that studies have shown that cow's milk is better at promoting muscle growth in weightlifters after training than soy milk.
TIP: Drink a glass of organic milk and promote fat burning with omega-3 fats and conjugated linoleic acid.
Finally this one is slightly sweet Muscle Booster accepted. Spanish researchers compared the nutritional value of milk from cows and goats raised under the same conditions. Both varieties had the same amino acid content, but the goat milk contained more omega-3 fats, conjugated linoleic acid, copper and with medium chain triglycerides (MCT) as well as calcium, phosphorus and magnesium for building bones. Because of their unique structure, MCTs are more likely to be burned than stored in construction. Those who cannot tolerate cow's milk can definitely try goat's milk, the proteins of which are easier to digest. Goat milk also contains a little less lactose.
Edible fish from the cichlid family. 180 grams of this type of fish actually have 36 grams of easily digestible protein and only three grams of fat. In addition to this fabulous protein-to-fat ratio, tilapia offers a good dose of selenium. This antioxidant is said to promote muscle recovery and protect against larynx and skin cancer. However, tilapia and other white fish are extremely low in omega-3 fats, and the farmed fish fed vegetable oil increase omega-6 levels. If you eat too much omega-6 fats and especially more than omega-3 fats, you increase the risk of inflammation.
This fish has almost the same amount of protein as tilapia, but ten times the amount of heart-friendly omega-3 fats. An Australian study showed that people with higher levels of omega-3s had less body fat. And people who eat fish two to four times a week have a 15 percent lower risk of heart disease. Unfortunately, the most sold Atlantic farmed salmon are raised in a poorly environmentally friendly manner and can contain significant amounts of pollutants. If you can afford it, go for the sustainable, tastier wild salmon.
The often overlooked mackerel is inexpensive, has even more omega-3 fats than salmon, and is one of the few foods with vitamin D. A new study shows that men with enough vitamin D in their blood have significantly more circulating testosterone. Low vitamin D levels increase the circulating parathyroid hormone, which promotes fat gain. There are still plenty of mackerel in the oceans, and levels of pollutants such as mercury are negligible.
Salami adds a decent amount of protein to your sandwich. Plus she does a lot of good absorbent bar Requirementswhich gives energy for the heavy repetitions. Unfortunately, a 30 gram disc also contains three grams of saturated fat. You need some saturated fat for yours Testosteronspiegel, but too much salami could harm your body. One study found that a high-fat diet harmed post-exercise hypertrophy by using the substances that build up the body Muskel-Proteins decreased. In addition, salami usually contains as much salt as the Pacific Ocean.
Like salami, ham has a lot of protein (around five grams per 30 grams) but less saturated fat. With extra lean ham, the protein to fat ratio is even better. Pork is the best animal source of thiamine.
With this B-vitamin, the body converts carbohydrates into usable energy for workouts. Since thiamine is soluble in water, you will need to take it back regularly.
Turkey breast is usually almost fat-free. So you have pure protein for building muscle. Chicken breast is also excellent. Avoid versions roasted in honey with a lot of sugar and make sure that the cold cuts contain as little sodium and no nitrites as possible. Nitrite is a preservative that adds flavor and color. Unfortunately, it also leads to health problems like stomach cancer.
Eiklar zählt zu den complete stone natural proteins. Three tablespoons of liquid egg whites have five grams of high quality protein. Without the yolk, however, the egg is lacking many nutrients, and the taste is as exciting as a sip of water.

See whole eggs as all-round nutrition for the bodybuilder: They not only have high quality protein, but also important nutrients such as Vitamin D, Vitamin B12, Vitamin A, Selen und Cholin for the brain. It is now also known that the cholesterol in egg yolks does not harm the heart of healthy people. A Thai study even shows that people who eat eggs every day for three months have a 48 percent increase in "good" HDL cholesterol. The authors attribute this to the lecithin in the egg yolk.
Omega eggs come from hens that were given fat-burning omega-3 fats such as flaxseed or seaweed in their diet. These eggs contain about 100 bis 200 Milligramm Omega-3-Fette das ist drei-sechsmal so viel wie normale Eier. Nach einer schwedischen Studie hatten diejenigen, die Omega-Eier aßen, bessen Cholesterinprofil und weniger Glukose im Blut als andere, die normale Eier aßen. Eine verbesserte Glukose Kontrolle verhindert, dass Ihr Sixpack unter einem Speckgürtel verschwindet. Die Vorzüge der Omega-3 erhalten Sie aber nur, wenn Sie das Eigelb essen. Selbst dann sind es jedoch viel weniger als in fettem Fisch.
When it comes to the spread for the bun, cream cheese is better than sweet jam or butter. Contains 30 grams of cream cheese ten grams of fat (five grams saturated). The same portion of butter makes 24 grams of fat, 14 grams of which is saturated. Fat-free cream cheese has twice as much protein as normal, but only four grams for 30 grams. It's not sensational. Different flavors have numerous ingredients, stay with the neutral version!
This curd product contains commendable ones 28 grams of protein per 250 grams, great for muscle growth. It is mainly casein, a slowly digestible protein that constantly supplies the muscles with amino acids. This makes cottage cheese an ideal snack before bed. It reduces the catabolism of the muscles during sleep. To keep the fat under control, choose cottage cheese with one percent fat.
Ricotta is made from the liquid whey that falls off during the production of cheese such as mozzarella. That's why no other cheese contains any more cheese Milk proteinthat with its high content branched chain amino acids die Muskelproteinsynthese promotes. Milk protein is quick to digest and therefore particularly ideal after a heavy workout. A recent study shows that the peptides in whey boost the immune system and the cysteine it contains helps produce the cancer-fighting antioxidant glutathione. Partly skimmed ricotta is more protein-dense than the full-fat variant, because it contains other solids in addition to milk. Ricotta is low in fat at four to ten percent and has less salt than cottage cheese. Try it not only in lasagna, but also in protein shakes and with scrambled eggs, on pizza or toast made from sprouted grains.
Whether you spread it on your toast or add it to your protein shake, peanut butter is a healthy addition to any bodybuilding diet. Deliver two tablespoons seven grams of protein sowie Magnesium, Selen und Vitamin E. Vitamin E, a water-soluble antioxidant, can slow down the attack of free radicals on the cell membranes of the muscles after hard training. Unfortunately, most commercially available products are spoiled by trans fats, syrups, and sugar. Avoid the “less fat” versions because they have almost as many calories and instead of heart healthy fats, they have harmful ingredients such as sugar and flavor enhancers.
Rather, choose a natural product that only contains peanuts (who would have thought!) And maybe some salt. The protein to carbohydrate ratio is better here. In the British Journal of Nutrition, researchers reported that more peanut butter consumption decreases deaths from heart disease. They suspect that this is due to the high content Antioxidant seeing liegt.
We don't mind a peanut butter and jam sandwich before training, but we recommend almond butter every now and then. It's as tasty as peanut butter, but has almost twice as many healthy, monounsaturated fats. Oleic acid (the most important monounsaturated fat in almond butter), when consumed in moderate amounts, promotes fat loss. And studies show that, compared to saturated fats, monounsaturated fats are more likely to be burned as fuel than put on as fat. So put a spoon in the Recovery shake. Also, almond butter contains more bone-building minerals like calcium, magnesium, and phosphorus, as well as vitamin E, than peanut butter. And unlike peanut butter, it usually works without hydrogenated oils and sugar.

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