Our supplements Senergie series consists of 4 parts:
part 4: energy and focus
This simple stack is the backbone of most energy drinks on the Market. The mixture of these substances increases the energy level that Concentration and alertness through three different mechanisms. caffeine is a CNS stimulant and achieves its energizing effect mainly by "waking up" of the brain.

BCAA. During exercise, BCAAs are metabolized and you Plasma level in the body drops. Increase as training progresses the free fatty acids in the plasma, which in turn lead to an increase leads to free tryptophan. Tryptophan is an amino acid that because of their effect on serotonin production leads to drowsiness. Scientists suspect that ingestion BCAAs balances the higher levels of tryptophan and its Transport across the blood-brain barrier decreased. Hence also is the serotonin synthesis is lower, which leads to the onset of fatigue delayed.
These Theory is supported by a study of a BCAA supplement administered during 60 minutes of exhaustive exercise: The Subjects showed a seven percent difference compared to the placebo group less perceived exertion and 15 percent less effort mental exhaustion with the same work performance.

Taurin is the second most common amino acid in the brain, so it is in correspondingly high concentrations. Modified an intake possibly the effect of inhibitory neurotransmitters in the CNS (for example from gamma-aminobutyric acid / GABA, which is used to regulate contributes to neural excitability and directly for the regulation of the Muscle tone is responsible). This is why taurine is considered not researched stimulant supplement to promote concentration and used. For bodybuilders it is important to have taurine Beverages to improve brain performance, concentration and Contribute to time management.
It is is difficult to use the synergy effect of this stack on the basis of the assess available study data. The signal paths through which this combination works as well as the evidence of their energy-boosting effects are definitely worth trying!
200 to 400 milligrams caffeine, take five to ten grams of BCAAs and one to three grams of taurine 30 minutes before your workout.
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