Name: William Bonac Birthday: May 18, 1982 Place of birth: Ghana Height: 5’7 ″ Off-Season Weight: 245 lbs Competition weight: 225 lbs WILLIAM BONAC

Bodybuilding, Strongman, Cross Fitness, Powerlifting, Bodybuilding Shop
Name: William Bonac Birthday: May 18, 1982 Place of birth: Ghana Height: 5’7 ″ Off-Season Weight: 245 lbs Competition weight: 225 lbs WILLIAM BONAC
Bentin Steve - Curriculum vitae Date of birth: 02/17/1982 Place of residence: Schwerin Zodiac: Aquarius Occupation: Fitness trainer Hobbies: Fishing, eating outActive since: 1995Competitions since: 2002OFF-Season-Weight: 105-110kgCompetition weight: 90kg • im
Baers Peter – Profil Geburtsdatum: 15.10.1977 Geburtsort: Kleve (Niederrhein) Wohnort: Witten Größe: 1,83m Gewicht: 115kg (Maximalgewicht in der Offseason)