Shawn Rhoden dethroned Phil Heath in the Mr. Olympia election 2018. The sensation was a success. Shawn came to Las Vegas

Bodybuilding, Strongman, Cross Fitness, Powerlifting, Bodybuilding Shop
Shawn Rhoden dethroned Phil Heath in the Mr. Olympia election 2018. The sensation was a success. Shawn came to Las Vegas
Roelly Winklaar wins the Arnold Classic 2018 in Australia. Regiane Da Silva took 3rd place. Valeria Ammirato unfortunately unplaced. BODYBUILDING
Roelly Winkllar showed his unbelievable mass during his guest posing in April 2016 in Ohio. Roelly currently weighs 142 kg
Winklaar Roelly - Profile Name: Egberton Rulove Etienne Winklaar Place of Birth: Netherlands Antilles Winklaar Roelly - Achievements 2005 World Amateur Championships