The Term synergy refers to the interaction between two Substances that prove to be more effective in combination than individually.
It is gives few laboratory studies on the use of supplement stacks exercising subjects. In bodybuilding, recommendations are based on based on the experience reports of thousands of athletes, as good advice Understood. After all, the best critics are those who already using supplements. And nobody wants money for a product waste that hardly produces results.
Fortunately scientists begin to understand how classic and good Researched supplements work even better when taken together be taken.
Ob Your goal now is to lose fat, build strength or improve Concentration and energy is: We have the best Supplement combinations for you - based on the reported Interactions.
Our supplements Senergie series consists of 4 parts:
Teil 1: Fettabbau
part 2: building muscle
TARGET FAT LOSS - Yohimbine, Synephrine, Caffeine
With the right mix of fat burning supplements will turn off the body through the increased release and burning of Fat on slimming mode.

who will skim the ingredients of most fat burning formulas probably due to this combination of well-known lipolytic (fat-burning) ingredients. Over the years have Studies have shown that these substances - alone or in combination - Promote fat mobilization and absorption. This mixture supports fat burning by releasing it and Increased oxidation of fat. Several studies suggest that you can promote their effects by taking them before cardio training can.
In particular, the yohimbine in this stack blocks alpha-2 adrenoceptors on the nerve cells, which leads to a higher release of norepinephrine. This large amount of norepinephrine can then dock onto the beta receptors of adipocytes (fat cells) and signal the mobilization of fats. This effect is increased by adding synephrine, because it is structurally similar to norepinephrine and binds to the same receptors.
caffeine is a classic central nervous system stimulant. The However, research indicates that its beneficial impact is on fat metabolism based on increased fat mobilization Adipocytes are based in the bloodstream. This creates more fat Used to generate energy. And with higher fat mobilization can the green tea extract unfold its effect. It contains high Concentrations of polyphenolic compounds known as catechins Compounds, particularly epigallocatechol-3-gallate (EGCG), which contain the Metabolic rate alone increases by about four percent.
Studies Illustrate that green tea extract and caffeine work synergistically act by inhibiting the enzymes catechol-O-methyltransferase and Phosphoid esterase, which is usually catecholamines (such as norepinephrine) would reduce. This causes catecholamines to stay in higher levels longer trations present and intensify fat oxidation.
These substances have stimulating properties. Therefore you should start it with the lowest recommended dosage and increase it depending on tolerance and effect.
CAFFEINE: For the strongest fat burning effect, take 100-200 milligrams three times a day between meals. On training days, increase the dose to 200 to 400 milligrams 30 minutes before training.
GREEN TEA EXTRACT: 200 bis 400 Milligramm standardisiertes EGCG dreimal täglich zwischen den Mahlzeiten. An Trainingstagen immer die Dosis 30 Minuten vor dem Training!
YOHIMBIN: Two to 20 milligrams three times a day between meals. One dose 30 minutes before training on training days.
SYNEPHRIN: For a dose of 1 to 20 milligrams of a citrus aurantium extract, use three times a day between meals. One dose 30 minutes before training on training days.

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