In this article we describe what you should do when using Knee pain have to fight. With special training techniques und nutrition Don't just fight your knee problems, but miss your legs neue Wachstumsreize.
Squats sind zwar eine gute Verbundübung für die Beine, aber es gibt durchaus Alternativen. Die biomechanisch für Ihr Skelett und Ihre Muskeln optimale Übung finden Sie auf der Grundlage von Beinlänge, Gelenken und Muskelfasertyp.
For example, a tall man about six feet tall with narrow hips and ankles has little benefit from squats. He has little chance of putting enough weight on his back to complete ten perfect repetitions without his upper body tilting forward. Here I recommend a warm-up set and two hard work sets Leg presses to failure and then Leg stretchesas often and as hard as it gets. Finally, leg curls, three sets of twelve repetitions each.

Training for knee pain
Leg Presses - 4 sets to failure
Leg Extensions - 4 sets to failure
Beincurls 3 x 12 Wh.
Or try it with Hackenschmidt squats, leg curls and leg extensions in a triple set, each to failure.
Let's say you have knee pain.
Go down too fast or are you coming up too fast? See a good physical therapist (a Expert in kinesiology, anatomy and the musculoskeletal system, often with better knowledge than a doctor). He looks at the problem and does one Series of tests.
He also finds one Imbalance between muscles. Many over-exercise the quadriceps and forget about the equally important hamstring. This can lead to thigh and knee problems.
If you don't have a physical therapist, ask yourself if your knees hurt as you do slow, unweighted squats to just below parallel and then back again.
If so. That indicates a metabolic problem down. With some people, they deposit crystallized uric acid or lime in the joint. In this case, you should try the following diet for six to eight weeks.
Diet for knee problems
- Proteins only from Egg whites, Wild salmon, turkey or skinless chicken breast, no red meat
- carbohydrates made from green vegetables and low glycemic fruits, no bread, rice, pasta, oatmeal, no processed food
- Only cook oils from small amounts of almonds, macadamia nuts and olives, do not cook anything with oil
9 rules for training with knee problems

- The knee joint is complicated. Always keep your knees above your feet when doing squats or leg presses. Never point your feet inwards or outwards. This affects the movement of the knee joints.
- Don't bounce at the bottom of the squat. This can permanently damage the patellar tendon.
- Use bandages only for heavy squats. Do not use them for light sets, leg extensions, or other leg exercises.
- If you're struggling with the squats and still struggling despite the methods above, try doing leg presses or Hackenschmidt squats instead.
- Pain your knees further, find out if you have an injury. If not, try the diet.
- Shoes that reach over the ankles give more balance and stability during squats.
- If you are tall, hold your upper body upright with two belts when doing squats.
- Never stretch out squats or leg presses, keep your thighs and buttocks as tight as possible.
- Don't squat every leg workout. Squats every two units are sufficient.
My tip for knee pain
To avoid problems with the knees, I train with the same consistency as with the upper body. So I pose For the leg curls, I thought I'd do barbell curls, just with the legs. That gives me the feel for the exercise.
TIP: Exercise your legs with the same consistency as your upper body.
Bei den Kniebeugen benutze ich Kniebandagen und zwei Gürtel, die Knöchel schütze ich mit Stiefeln. Zwei Gürtel mögen übertrieben sein, aber mir hilft das. Ich benutze sie nur bei sehr schweren Kniebeugen mit sechs bis zehn Wiederholungen. Wegen meiner Größe neigt sich mein Oberkörper nach vorn, aber ein Powerlifter-Gürtel um die Hüfte und ein „normaler“ darüber, die Schnalle nach hinten, stützen den langen Oberkörper. So bleibe ich den ganzen Satz über aufrecht.
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