If you increase the training volume and intensity over time, this can lead to overtraining and the Strength and muscle building turn into the opposite. Here we will show you how you are guaranteed to maintain your muscle growth.

Our society today is geared towards that more is always better. This attitude certainly applies to aspects such as strength and muscle building or even the money, but it does not apply to everything.
Contrary to popular belief, training and supplementation are two cases where “more” doesn't always mean “better”.
Some inexperienced bodybuilders still do endless sessions of insane intensity. However, research has shown that this is a surefire way to overtrain, stop exercising faster, and potentially sustain injury.
A common problem is finding the right combination Training volume and intensity to determine. Excessive workload or intensity can produce less than optimal results and actually lead to a deterioration in exercise performance.
This impairment can be partially the endocrine system ascribe. Sports physiologists often explain the balance between anabolic (anabolic) and catabolic (degradative) states in athletes using the Testosterone to cortisol ratio.
One study has shown that changing the ratio has a positive effect on weight training performance. And another study was able to show that a decreased rate as an indicator of overtraining and insufficient recovery gilt.
Depending on the intensity and duration of physical training, hormones show up anabolic or catabolic properties (such as testosterone and cortisol) exhibit changes that signal a catabolic state that reverses on recovery, the scientists say.
They add that serum testosterone exhibits two-phase behavior during and after exercise:
- After a short stimulation, his will increase Concentration in relation to intensity, workload and muscle mass.
- However, after prolonged exercise, testosterone levels decrease.
If you train too hard and for too long, the body breaks down the muscles instead of building them up. It does exactly the opposite of what you intended.
The negative HormonreaktionHowever, which the body experiences from constant high-intensity, high-intensity training is only part of the problem.
Pathological problems like Overuse of the joints, tendons and bursitis can also occur.
Usually these minor injuries lead to you Reduces strength and muscles. Because the nervous system will no longer allow one to exert great effort in the hope that the body will heal itself.
When the brain recognizes that these overuse injuries are occurring, it can partially “shut down” the muscles so that the healing process can begin. And that means that you are also weaker.
Some experts suggest that athletes (and especially those who exercise strength training) feel less eager to exercise when experiencing symptoms of overtraining, and that levels of self-confidence suffer from some forms of overtraining that result from weight training.
To avoid these consequences, you need to apply the periodization principle, in which the workload, intensity, recovery phases and exercise selection are methodically changed.
It is used to avoid training plateaus, but also to reduce the likelihood of overtraining.
The trained bodybuilder only does a handful of exercises. He carefully changes his workload (sets, repetitions) along with the intensity (height of the training weights) in order to achieve the best results. Due to this variety, the body is constantly irritated, so that it never gets "bored" during training.
This also avoids injuries and overtraining and ensures an anabolic state.
So don't be afraid of exercising hard, but exercise in a sensible way. If you are training at a high volume (16 or more sets per muscle group), don't overdo it with intensity.
If you are training for eight sets or less, make sure you are exercising hard enough to trigger the desired response. You can get closer to your max weights by doing fewer sets. If you spend more than 60 minutes in the weight room exercising, you may want to re-evaluate your routine so that you can use the time more efficiently.
- Include one or more recovery days in your training
- Make sure that the amount of training and the training intensity are inversely related. The more sets you complete, the fewer exercises that come close to your maximum weight should be included.
- Do not train too intensely for long periods of time. Do not exhaust yourself with your maximum weights for a long time
- Avoid exercising too much for long periods of time. Avoid doing excessively long workouts on the same muscle groups for months
- Do not work out to absolute failure on every set of an exercise in every unit.
- Take into account the cumulative stress that builds up from other types of exercise such as cardiovascular exercise.
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