Sensationally improved Brandon Curry wins New Zealand Pro 2017 !!!
We cannot say that we were not warned. Last month did Brandon Curry Published pictures showing his progress during his time in Bader Boodai’s Oxygen Gym have shown in Kuwait.
In the past, numerous athletes have participated Oxygen Gym trained and improved enormously. This includes among others Victor Martinez, Nathan De Ashe, Roelly Winklaar. Brandon's body was also completely overhauled during his stay in Kuwait. The studio is like a boot camp in which the athletes work on a strict schedule of eating, sleeping, exercising, with no social distractions.
Brandon Curry is now so much fuller and thicker than we've never seen it before.
At New Zealand Pro 2017 showed Brandon the best body we've never seen from Brandon. Brandon Curry, who turned pro in 2010, won in 2013 Arnold Classic Brasilien 2013 und Toronto Pro 2015.
In New Zealand, Curry showed that you can Mr. Olympia 2017 have to reckon with him.
Took second place Dallas McCarver the at Arnold Classic 2017 hinter Cedric McMillan also ended up in second place.
Third place was Juan Morel.
New Zealand Pro 2017 Results:
1. Brandon Curry
2. Dallas McCarver
3. Juan Morel
4. Jeff Beckham
5. Darryn Onekawa
6. Salaiman Altarkaib
7. Atif Anwar
8. Kenny O’Malley

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