There is no shortcut to getting fit it takes hard work, dedication and usually a few visits to the gym.
But that doesn't mean that people aren't always looking for ways to maximize their training and accelerate their progress. And that is what they do, for example, by tying off their arms. Really.

You may have seen men - mostly men - who do this in the gym, whether with ribbons or straps. "Why do these men tie their biceps?", Wundern Sie sich.

Well, it turns out that there is real science behind it.
This technique is called Okklusionstraining and is designed to help you build muscle, improve endurance and recover from injuries.
Surprisingly, it works even if you tend to lift light weights or no weights at all.

The Okklusionstraining was invented in Japan by a man named Yoshiaki Sato, where it is known as KAATSU.
Sato recognized KAATSU's potential as early as the 1960s when he was 25 after breaking his ankle in a skiing injury that took him six months to recover, Sato continued Okklusionstraining one to get well again only six weeks.

When people break one leg, it often ends up with a far thinner skin than the other after the operation, but the training of the Okklusionstraining allegedly prevents this: “There is some evidence that using a Okklusionstraining Without movement it can be useful to that Maintain muscle size and strengthSaid Jeremy P. Loenneke, professor of health and exercise sciences at the University of Mississippi.

Exercise experts are excited about the potential of this technique, but it's also popular with athletes, bodybuilders, and anyone looking to work on their muscles.

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This is how occlusion training works:

They tightly wrap your upper arm and obstruct blood flow from the biceps. You then do bicep curls with a much lighter weight than usual.
"Trapping the blood traps lactic acid," said Zachary Long, director of physical therapy at the Carolina Sports Clinic.

"As you exercise, you build up more and more lactic acid and the growth hormone release in response is actually higher than what we see with vigorous resistance training."

While the prospect of lifting light weights and building muscle faster may sound appealing, those who use this technique say it hurts.
"It should feel like the biggest burn you have ever had," says Long.

Personal trainer Harry Smith believes that the typical training method of straight sets and repetitions, gradually increasing the load over time, will result in better long-term progress, but that there are benefits for that Okklusionstraining:

"It's very useful for training around an injury that doesn't allow the use of heavier loads," he told The Independent.

“Occlusion training forces you to use much lighter loads than you normally would, because the restricted venous return traps the blood in the muscle, which limits its range of motion and creates an enormous build-up of metabolites and lactic acid.
"This" pumps up "the muscle, really stretches it, this sensation is incredibly painful and because of this pump it can stimulate muscle hypertrophy."

He believes that those who are not injured would be best able to stick to traditional workouts, but if you are injured and cannot, blood flow can be a good option.
However, you need to make sure you are getting it right, if your muscles go numb or start tingling, you have tied your strap too tight.

Risks of occlusion training

And for some people, this can be a risk. Therefore, experts warn against using Okklusionstraining exercise if you have high blood pressure, varicose veins, or a deep vein thrombosis, for example.
You should only wrap the straps or ties on the tops of the arms or legs.
But as a lot of people about the benefits of Okklusionstraining are used for both fitness and injury recovery - you will soon see more and more women and men tying their arms in the gym.


If you have the Okklusionstraining want to try, ask a fitness expert to show you how to safely do it.