TARGET MUSCLE BUILDING - Whey Protein, Creatine, CLA

Our Supplements Senergie series consists of 4 parts:

Teil 1: Fettabbau

Part 2: building muscle

Part 3: strength endurance

Part 4: Energy and Focus

This muscle building stack seems pretty simple and that's why we picked it. A plethora of studies support the muscle building potential of each ingredient, and current research supports all three together as a highly effective synergistic combination.


Whey Protein-Isolat is a supplement that every bodybuilder is for needs maximum muscle growth. It delivers the whole spectrum essential amino acids, especially branched chain amino acids (BCAAs) that when combined with weight training increase anabolism amplify significantly.

Creatin ist ein weiterer gründlich erforschter Muskelaufbauer. Tatsächlich ist es das wohl am besten studierte und belegte Supplement, das heute erhältlich ist. Die Einnahme von Creatin fördert Hypertrophie der Skelettmuskulatur und erhöht die Proteinsynthese durch eine Fähigkeit, einen osmotischen Gradienten zu erzeugen, durch den Wasser Muskelzellen geschoben wird ein wichtig für Anabolismus. Zusätzlich erhöht Creatin das Phosphocreatin im Muskel, das zur Bildung von mehr ATP Verwendet wird. Das Endergebnis für den Bodybuilder ist die Fähigkeit, länger und intensiver zu trainieren.

Newer Studies clearly show that creatine intake in conjunction with Weight training increases insulin-like growth factor-1 (IGF-1) and inhibits myostatin, which makes it more powerful muscle building factors supplies. In addition, research shows a significant one muscle building interaction when creatine and whey Protein isolate taken in combination during weight training will.

CLA is a polyunsaturated fat derived from linoleic acid. It's been marketed as a fat-reducing supplement for years - but recent research shows that CLA can be used during weight training
Muscle mass and strength significantly increased compared to training without CLA supplementation.

A stack containing whey protein isolate, creatine, and CLA is a surefire formula for increased muscle growth and strength.

In a placebo-controlled double-blind study, scientists the effect of a combination of whey protein isolate, creatine Monohydrate and CLA were examined over a period of five weeks. The Subjects who received the stack in the training period had the double the gain in lean mass compared to those who did during the same training period creatine CLA placebo or Consumed whey protein CLA placebo. Those who do the Stack also showed greater strength gains on the bench press and on the leg press.


Based on study data and other research, we recommend the following dosage for bodybuilders:

• 30 to 40 grams of whey protein, three to five grams of CLA and three to five grams of creatine 30 minutes before the workout (on rest days, the same dose after getting up):

• 30 to 40 grams of whey protein, three to five grams of CLA and three to five grams of creatine immediately after the workout (on rest days, the same dose in the afternoon).

• 50 grams of whey protein, three to five grams of CLA and three to five grams of creatine before Go to sleep.