If you Your thumbs around the barbell it won't slip out of your hands either.
Have you ever been warned not to walk around with scissors?
Or have you been told to wait 30 minutes after eating before going back in the water? Both warnings sound reasonable, don't they?
But how many times have you read that for safety reasons you should always put your thumbs around the barbell and ignore this warning anyway?
If we were in a classroom, you would probably avoid eye with me now.
If you Place your thumbs properly around the barbell and you a training partner is at your side, the chances of the dumbbell slipping out of your hands or other accidents are greatly reduced.
It will take a while to get into the habit of wrapping your thumbs around the barbell, but get started right away. No matter what exercise it is - whether you Bench press, Shoulder press or even Kniebeugen complete:
Supplement your mental and physical preparation, which you do before each exercise, with a “right grip”.
Don't think that you can't get that strong with a standard grip. Don't you already put your thumbs around the handlebar while exercising with dumbbells? Well, if this technique works with dumbbells, then it's guaranteed to work with the barbell too!
Yes, you feel stronger when your thumbs are on the same side of the bar as your fingers. This gives you a better "shelf" for the bar. And yes, a change in grip feels a bit uncomfortable or painful at first, and it makes you feel a bit endangered. But as with any other muscle group, the muscles and tendons in your hands get stronger over time. You will soon find out: If you exercise the safe way, you will be just as strong as you were when you exercised recklessly.
If you fail to make this small adjustment, then "recklessness" is the appropriate term.
These exercises are particularly critical and require a grip that involves placing your thumbs around the bar.
- Barbell bench press (flat, incline and negative bench) and on machines
- Shoulder press (front and neck press)
- Press exercises on the multi-press and on machines
- aufrechtes Rudern
- (Front) squats (free and on the multi-press)
- Lunges
- Romanian deadlift
- Langhantel-Curls
- Scott-Curls
- Triceps extension to the forehead
- enges Bankdrücken
- Triceps extension on the machine
- Bowed barbell rowing (with overhand grip and reverse grip)
- Deadlift
- Good Mornings
- Pull up with help
- Front and neck pulling
- Barbell shoulder raises
- Shoulder raises on the multi press

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