The basic rules:
- Get up early
- Pre-cooking food
- Mahlzeiten Planen
- Never miss a training session
- Not too much cardio
- Fitness als Lifestyle
I am one of the guys who believe in getting up early and going to bed early too go. So I'm actually up at 3 a.m. and already at 4 a.m. in the morning while exercising.
Get up early
It is only one of the beliefs that you can get anything if you watch get up on time. That's my belief. I know, that the most successful people are morning people. I know we all as people are caught up at night while trying to relax and before sit in front of the TV and do something like that, and that's just something that I eliminated have. Usually I'll be in bed at 9 p.m. and wake up at 3 a.m. Sunday is when i prepare my meal.
Pre-cooking food
I fry my steak and chicken, open all of my tuna cans and cut mine whole vegetables and then I pack my food day by day for a whole week.
Mahlzeiten Planen
I am a planner Type - for 30 years. I weigh every gram that I put in my body. When I go to a restaurant, I go where I want portion sizes can estimate, or I'll just go where I know they are about Have nutritional information. For my cheat meals, however, goes everything. I don't count calories. I just enjoy it.
Never miss a training session
I fail never a scheduled workout. I exercise five days a week, even when I am on the way. I don't believe in excuses or people who say them don't have time. You make time.
Not too much cardio
Cardio, I don't do it all year. I think it's a tool to use when trying to get defined. If you do cardio all the time, your body becomes immune to it. My goal is to eat the maximum amount of food and do as little cardio as possible in order to stay lean. So I try to keep my carbs as high as possible until it is time for me to diet. Personally, I would rather work out longer, harder and eat more than cut my calories. Let's say you start with 250 grams of carbohydrates. Unless you are dieting, you want to try to keep this number as high as possible so that your diet doesn't have to be painful when you have to break down your carbohydrates. However, when your carbohydrates are low all year round, dieting is just going to be brutal. So I try to get my intake to maximum capacity while staying lean and keeping my cardio low.

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Fitness als Lifestyle
You have to just treat it as a lifestyle. You don't create longevity in this one Industry by being the guy who takes 12 to 16 weeks to diet because he put on 20 kilos in the off-season.
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