Blueberries are not only good for your health. According to the latest Research results promote recovery and keep you slim.
Good things are often small. Blueberries are among the best little things with the stärksten Wirkung on the body. You are full Antioxidant seeing - extremely powerful, active antioxidants.

Antioxidants are chemical compounds that slow down or prevent the oxidation of other substances.
Antioxidants are of great importance due to their effect as radical scavengers. They inactivate reactive oxygen species (ROS) in the organism, the excessive occurrence of which leads to oxidative stress. Oxidative stress has been linked to the aging process and the development of a number of diseases.

We already knew that Blueberries many contain antioxidant anthocyanins that give them their blue color, but scientists work on that Cornell University von Ithaca, New York, recently developed a method to measure the activity of these antioxidants in cells after digestion.

This CAA-Test (Cell activity assay) tested the antioxidants in 25 types of fruit. In terms of absorption and function in the body, the blueberry performed best - ahead of raspberries and cranberries.

But what are the benefits of the blueberry for an athlete? Countless.
Ihre Anthocyanine haben entzündungshemmende Properties that protect not only the cardiovascular system, but also the recreation promote after workout. These antioxidant properties could also protect the body tissues from the harmful free radicals.

Free radicals attack our cells and can render them inoperable. Illnesses occur. The cell damage caused by free radicals can also lead to cell degeneration. Cancer is the result. Antioxidants can protect cells from free radicals.

And blueberries keep you slim too. Surprised?

In a study from the magazine „Food Chemistry“ It was found that rats given blueberry extract ate less and gained weight than rats on a normal diet.
In another study from the „Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry“ mice received a high fat diet. Only some of them were given a blueberry extract. After eight weeks, both groups had gained weight and body fat, but the groups with the blueberry extract had gained less.

Now that you know, you can add a handful of blueberries to your shake or muesli with protein and fiber in the morning.
Better notSays a new research: In the Italian study, participants were given blueberries with water or milk. As expected, antioxidant activity increased in the water group after digestion of the blueberries, but not in the milk group. Two important antioxidants in the blood were even reduced there. It is believed that the protein in milk is the inhibits the antioxidant effect of blueberries.

Conclusion: So don't combine blueberries with proteins, not even in your shake. Allow two hours in between to take full advantage of the berries.