Ray Shawn - CV
Shawn Ray was born on September 9, 1965 in Fullerton, California.
At the age of 17 in high school, began Shawn Ray to be interested in sports.
In order to gain more mass for football, he started training.
Shortly afterwards he met the double Mr. Universe John Brown, who inspired him for the sport of bodybuilding.
From that moment on it broke Shawn Ray a wave of victories on the stage, including the 1985 Teenage Mr. America and the 1985 Jr. Mr. World.
During his professional career, there have only been two bodybuilders whom he never beat. We are talking about the 8-time Mr. Olympia winner Lee Haney and the 6-time Mr.Olympia winner Dorian Yates.
Shawn Rays Weight between competitions was 230 pounds and his competition weight was 215 pounds.
Currently working Shawn with the company Vyo-Tech Nutritionals.
Ray Shawn - Competitions
1983 Orange Coast Championships–2nd Short
1983 California Gold Cup–1st Overall1984
1984 Mr. Los Angeles NPC–3rd Middleweight
1984 Mr. Teenage Los Angeles AAU–1st Short & Overall
1984 Teenage Mr. California –1st Middle & Overall
1984 Teenage National Championships–2nd Middleweight1985
1985 Teenage Mr. Orange County–1st Short & Overall
1985 Teenage National Championships–1st Light heavy & Overall1985 Jr. World Championships–1st Light heavy & Overall1986
1986 Jr. National Championships–2nd Light heavy
1987 Mr. California–1st Light heavy & Overall
1987 National Championships–1st Light heavy & Overall
1988 Mr. Olympia –13th Los Angeles
1990 Pro Ironman Champion–1 st Redondo Beach
1990 Arnold Classic–1st (disqualified) Ohio
1990 Mr. Olympia–3rd Chicago, IL
1991 Arnold Classic–1st Ohio
1991 Mr. Olympia–5 th Orlando, FL
1992 Mr. Olympia–4th Helsinki, Finland
1993 Mr. Olympia–3rd Atlanta, GA
1994 Mr. Olympia –2nd Atlanta, GA
1995 Mr. Olympia– 4 th Atlanta, GA
1996 Pro Ironman–3rd Redondo Beach, CA
1996 Arnold Classic–5th Columbus, OH
1996 Mr. Olympia–2nd Chicago, IL
1997 Mr. Olympia–3rd Los Angeles, CA
Mister Olympia 1998 –5th New York, NY
1999 Mr. Olympia–5th Las Vegas, NV
2000 Mr. Olympia–4th Las Vegas, NV
2001 Mr. Olympia–4th Las Vegas, NV

Ray Shawn – Interview ( Deutsch)
You have withdrawn from active sport. What were your motivations?
Shawn Ray: Yes, I retired from the 2001 competitions.
I had a 14-year pro career behind me and found my fulfillment in competitions.
I met my future wife 200 and wanted to start a family with her. And for the next phase of my life, I didn't want to participate in pro-bodybuilding anymore. I was 36 when I retired. In January of this year I was inducted into the IFBB Pro-Bodybuilding Hall of Fame.
You were always someone who said what he thought. How do you find the development in the bodybuilding scene?
Shawn Ray: Personally, I'm not excited about the athletic competitions, neither in 1984 when I started nor in 2001 when I finished. The standout bellies, hernias, and kidney problems are annoying and the general condition of athletes is just not impressive and not at all inspiring. Too many drugs and not enough aesthetics and symmetry.
If you had been on the jury for Mister Olympia 2006, how would you have decided? Tell me your rankings
Shawn Ray: I was the game director for the show and I didn't have a good view of the athletes. I personally found
Dexter & Victor better than anyone else. Would you have Ronie also put in second place?
I would have put Ronie in third or fourth place, behind Jay, Victor and Dexter.
You are now a professional competition promoter.
Will there be another Shawn Ray Colorado Pro Am Classic in 2007?
Shawn Ray: Yes, the second annual Shawn Ray Colorado Pro Am Classic will be in Denver.
It will be on June 1st and 2nd. The list of participants is based on the Arnold Classic.
I can already announce some good names:
Dennis James, Darrem Charles, Johnny Jackson, Idrise Ward El, Jason Arntz,
Chris Cormier, David Henry, Marcus Haley and many more.
Besides promoting the sport, you are also a successful businessman. What are your future plans?
Shawn Ray: Ich bin aktuell der Sprecher und Direktor für Marketing & Sportbeziehungen für Technologische Nahrungssmittel in Beverly Hills. Und ich habe meine sechste DVD fertig gestellt: „Fitness über 40„.
Paul Dilet founded a new bodybuilding association called the WBFF. How do you like the idea? Would you support it
Shawn Ray: I'm happy for Paul, but I don't think it will have any impact on the pro bodybuilding in which I still have an active role.
It seems that Canadians are predestined to form associations. I am not associated with him or involved in his associations.
Will we see you at FIBO this year?
Shawn Ray: I will be at FIBO on Friday, Saturday and Sunday in April. I will be promoting my new DVD there and taking photos with my fans.
Danke schön, Shawn

Ray Shawn – Interview ( englisch)
1. You have retired from the active sports. What were the reasons?
Shawn Ray: Yes, I retired from competition in 2001. I had a 14 year pro career and had my fill of competing. I met my future wife in 2000 and wanted to start a family and the next phase of life for me as the direction of Pro Bodybuilding was not one I wanted to be a part of at that time. I was 36 years old when I retired. In January of this year I was inducted into the IFBB Pro Bodybuilding Hall of Fame.
2. You were always the one who said what you were thinking. How do you find the development in the bodybuilding scene?
Shawn Ray: personally am not excited by the physiques competing today as when I began in 1984 nor since I have stopped competing in 2001. The protruding Bellies, Hernias, Kidney problems and overall condition of the athletes is simply not impressive or inspiring. Too many drugs not enough aesthetics and symmetry.
3. If you were in the jury for the Mister Olympia 2006, how have you decided? Tell me your positioning?
Shawn Ray: Iw as the MC for the show and did not have a good look at the athletes competing onstage however, I personally like Dexter & Victor over everyone else.
Have you gave Ronnie Coleman the 2nd position?
Shawn Ray: I had Ronnie in 3rd or 4th Place behind Jay, Victor & Dexter.
4. You are Professional Contest Promoter now. Will there be another Shawn Ray Colorado Pro Am Classic in 2007? If so, who will be on the list of participants?
Shawn Ray: Yes, the 2nd Annual Shawn Ray Colorado Pro Am Classic held in Denver, CO will be on June 1st & 2nd. The list of Athletes is developing after the Arnold Classic. So far we have committed a couple good names: Dennis James, Darrem Charles, Johnny Jackson, Idrise Ward El, Jason Arntz, Chris Cormier, David Henry, Marcus Haley and more!
Next to the sports promotion, you are very successful in business. How does look like your future plans?
Shawn Ray: I am currently the Spokesman and Director of Marketing & Athlete Relations with Supplement Giant, VYO Tech Nutritionals in Beverly Hills, Ca. As well I just finished my 6th DVD entitled: Fitness after 40 available now @ www.shawnray.com
5. Paul Dillett has founded a new bodybuilding federation called WBFF. How do you find this idea? Would you support it?
Shawn Ray: I personally am happy for Paul but it doesn’t really make an impact in Pro Bodybuilding of which I still have an active role in. It sounds like it is Canadian based therefore, I have no connection or involvement with it or him.
6. What would you advise our readers, who want to start bodybuilding, for nourishment and practice?
Shawn Ray: It worked for me, I am better because of it both mentally and physically. I gained respect for my body, confidence in all that I do, and satisfaction in finishing what I started!
7. Will we see you on FIBO this year?
Shawn Ray: I will be at the FIBO Fri, Sat & Sun in April, Not sure of what booth but I wil lbe there promoting my new DVD, signing photo’s and taking pictures with the fans!
Thank you,
New DVD Trailer Click Here: http://thefitshow.tv/fitness_after_forty/sr.html
Ray Shawn – Interview Comeback ( Juli 2010)
K. Hello Shawn. How has your life changed after retiring from bodybuilding?
Shawn Ray: After my career I wanted to make up for everything, I got married in 2003 and had offspring in 2005 and 2008, I held my first championship.
K. How has bodybuilding changed in recent years. Do you think the development is positive?
Shawn Ray: For the past two years I've been watching the 202 class, which is becoming increasingly popular. This is what I was missing before. I always had to like with the crowd monsters Dorian Yates , Nasser El Sonbaty, Kevin Lavrone fight.
K. The 202 class is almost exactly tailored to you, wouldn't it be time for a comeback?
Shawn Ray: Challenging names like English, Henry, Dugdale, Raymond, Correa and Jackson? Here I am, the old man who challenges the new generation, the people who grew up with me as a role model.
I noticed hunger, the hunger in me after a fight, I have another dream Mr. Olympia. It is the path, the pursuit of a goal that makes life worth living.
K. So you can speak of a comeback ...?
Shawn Ray: Yeah. I think it is a blessing to be able to compete again. I just have to regain the discipline of the old days and become the fighter I used to be.
Well, now it's starting, the way is long and rocky, but I've already walked it and in the end you will see the toughest and best Shawn Ray of all time competing against the best in the world in the 202 class!
I know I can count on my family and friends.
I have a strong sponsor and Muscular Development magazine and they both believe in me. So "I'm back !!!"
K. Thanks Shawn for the interview, we wish you all the best and of course we will stay tuned ...

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